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Gabrielle Neuhaus - Physical Theatre
Reviews about The woman who didn't want to come down to earth
Reviews excerpts about
The woman who didn't want to come down to earth
A piece of a pleasant intensity, absurd and comical, heart-rending and amazing... (Yoshkin)
Fantastic interpretation and show of acrobatics skills by Gabrielle Neuhaus… (Ely Bikoret)
Comical physical solutions… (Ha'aretz)
Flexibility, strength, boundless creativity, lightness and precision… All the theatrical elements are kneaded like plastiline. A real pleasure… (Second opinion)
The woman passes from one accessory to the other with a total disregard for balance issues and distance problems. Perfect interpretation by Gabrielle Neuhaus… (Habama)
A heart rending character in a piece whose strength lies in the acting, in-between natural and stylized... (Yediyot Aharonot)
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