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Reviews about The woman who didn't want to come down to earth

Reviews excerpts about
The woman who didn't want to come down to earth

A piece of a pleasant intensity, absurd and comical, heart​​-rending and amazing... (Yoshkin)

Fantastic interpretation and show of acrobatics skills by Gabrielle Neuhaus… (Ely Bikoret)

Comical physical solutions… (Ha'aretz)

Flexibility, strength, boundless creativity, light​ness and precision… All the theatrical elements are kneaded like plastiline. A real pleasure…  (Second opinion)​

The woman passes from one accessory to the other with a total disregard for balance issues and distance problems. Perfect interpretation by Gabrielle Neuhaus… (Habama)

A heart rending character in a piece whose strength lies in the acting, in-between natural and stylized... (Yediyot Aharonot)

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